Blog Section: Computer Science

Here, I usually blog about technologies I use in app development, webdev and just general CS topics.

Stay awhile and listen!

Date Posted: 14/06/2018

Welcome to a new series!

Over the past few weeks, I developed an interest in studying digital circuits, and so I thought it would be interesting to write about this topic while learning about it. I first came across digital circuits, in the context of computing science, in a systems course in first year Computing at university. We covered very simple topics and didn't really drill... Read more

Date Posted: 12/02/2018

Break from Physics

After four consecutive posts about waves, I thought it would nice to write this post as a chill, relaxing break from physics. About two weeks ago, I attended Global Game Jam 2018 with some of my pals, during which we worked to build a game from scratch in 48 hours. In this post, I will be describing my experience and what I learned during the... Read more


I came across this issue fairly recently. For a particular feature of my app, The Standard Model, I have to present a modal controller which would start a process that consists of multiple steps, such as create and customise a particle. On iOS,... Read more


In this guide, I will show you how I would do proper dismissable modal screens using the React Navigation system for React Native.

I will assume you are somewhat familiar with using React Native to build native iOS and Android apps and know how to start a React Native project, make simple components and run... Read more


This will be a much needed break from the relatively intense physics blog posts from before. In this article, I will simply be writing about myself! Specifically, I will be telling you about how I came to start programming and what inspired me to do so. I'm also hoping this will be a much shorter blog post than before so without further ado, let's get started!

... Read more